The online animation “Nine Heavens Mysterious Emperor Secret” is a series of works produced by Youku and Ruohong Culture, “Illusion Sea Volume” – Youku Animation Spring Conference.
Season 1 (Episode 1-40) will premiere at 10am on August 16, 2021, exclusively on Youku.
Season 2 (Episodes 41-92) will premiere at 10am on May 2, 2022, exclusively on Youku.
Season 3 (Episodes 93-144) will premiere at 10:00 on October 31, 2022, exclusively on Youku.
Season 4 (episodes 145-196) will be broadcast on Youku starting May 1, 2023. [15].
The fifth and sixth seasons (episodes 197-300) will be broadcast on Youku starting November 20, 2023.
Wang Fan (He was originally an ordinary student of the Golden Academy, but he accidentally obtained the first martial arts method “Nine Heavens Mysterious Emperor Secret”. Later, he wandered the Xuanwu world with the mysterious identity of “Silver Tiger King”, punishing evil and promoting good, and doing justice) , who possessed the original martial arts technique, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Emperor Art , was originally an ordinary student at the Golden Academy. In order to avenge his brother, he put on the Silver Tiger King mask. From then on, there was a Silver Tiger King who intimidated the world.
My name is Wang Fan, the king of kings, and an ordinary person. When I put on the mask, I am the king of silver tigers. When I take off the mask, I am an ordinary person, Wang Fan.