“Wan Jie Xian Zhong,” also known as “Wonderland” or “The Wonderland of Ten Thousands,” is a Chinese Donghua (animated series) adapted from a fantasy novel of the same name created by Ta Xue. The series is produced by **Shanghai Tencent Penguin Film, Television Culture Communication**, and **Hangzhou Ruohong Cultural Creativity**.
The story follows **Ye Xingyu**, whose master **Yu Huanxian** leaves behind a giant sect called **Tianyuan Shenzong**.
Ye Xingyun, as the new leader, inherits the position after his master goes into eternal sleep. Alongside this, a civet cat exchanges Prince Edward’s method and becomes a child of a small family, hiding and waiting for an opportunity to seek revenge.
Ye Xingyun’s journey is fraught with danger as he navigates a path filled with strategic battles and alliances. With his own strategy and the help of Tianyuan Shenzong’s masters, he engages in vertical and horizontal tactics, strategizing against the huge Grand Dynasty. For more watch on Cnanimes.com